Welcome to My World

My Story

Welcome to my world...

I convey my thoughts, emotions, ideas, and little parts of myself through my poems and stories. What you read now is like small pieces of my soul strung into words, my very being embedded deep into the ink I put on paper. It is a mix of what I absorb from my surroundings and the things I learn from my experiences or gather from the people around me. My writing could be something I  pick up from the atmosphere or find suddenly in the vast, unpredictable ocean: my imagination. Whatever it is, I hope you resonate with something you read today, and I hope I inspire you to wonder beyond your daily worries and think, think, think. Because what is a human left alone but their bones, flesh, and thoughts?

“This above all: to thine own self be true”


My Blogs


When dusk falls, lights go out like a thousand fireflies caught unawares by a net of woven torment.
Houses seal their entrances, and the thickening air smothers any leftover unwanted presences.
Soon, breaths go steady, and dreams are left unmonitored.


The sky sounded like it was breaking in half.
Streams of salty water streaked the windows with a fury and desperation that shook the
trees and lamp posts outside, scattering whimpering dogs, mercilessly ending lives at whim.

The Mysterious Fighter

A proud maharajah sits on his throne while scrutinizing the most important combat match of his reign. Prior to formal abdication, each Rajah must choose the next fit ruler for his kingdom by receiving a
number of people from around

My Photography

My Artwork