When I am Down and Out

When the sun sets and the sky dims,
When the stream dies or the waves crash.
When the lights go out and thunder rings,
When flowers wither and cold winds gnash.
I am not alone.

When the cold gets too brisk to bear,
When the fire seems too warm at day.
When I deem that God just doesn’t care,
When the grief cannot be kept at bay.
I am not alone.

When the world seems to keep making mistakes,
When the water dries and soil erodes.
When the rage erupts; self-pity breaks—
When there isn’t anything left to hope.
I am not alone.

When the mountains seem too high to climb,
When the crowds seem too dense to pass.
When the clock ticks slow or there isn’t any time,
When words are gibberish, confusion amass.
I am not alone.

And when the sun rises again and the sky brightens,
When the lakes flow in spring or waves finally calm.
When I switch on the lights and rain can’t frighten,
When flowers bloom and summer embalms.
I have never been alone.